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Intangible Adorations Caravan is an is an immersive, traveling performance and film experience that fuses carnival with science-fantasy biography, circus, and disability culture. A multi-sensory interactive experience with robust accessibility built into each performance, the show presents a threadbare Victorian Caravan as a deceptive cover for a world of mobile Cinema, aerial wizardry and shared ritual.

When the Caravan rolls into a neighbourhood as darkness falls, mysterious magic will be unleashed in a live spectacle, suitable for all ages as we attempt to make contact with the Icon, a legendary figure who vanished several years ago.

The caravan is a multi-sensory and interactive experience with robust accessibility built into each show from the inside out, putting both disabled performers and audience members at the forefront of every aspect of the show.

Created     Lisa Anita Wegner and Other Hearts Collective

Written     Lisa Anita Wegner, Harri Thomas and Yousef Kadoura

Directed     Harri Thomas

Performed   Yousef Kadoura*, Erin Ball, Harri Thomas, Lisa Anita Wegner*, Silvae Mercedes*

Performance Art Salon     KC Cooper, Meek, Amy Loucareas, Emily (Ava) Gillespie

‘An Iconic Biography’ Film     Lisa Anita Wegner & Ciaran Federico, voice over written with Harri Thomas & Yousef Kadoura, featuring Lisa Anita Wegner and Yousef Kadoura

Icon Kids Voices     Aria Forrest, Victor Forrest, Melody Forrest, Althea Bessey, Miranda Gubler 

Original Music.   The Ubermarionette Suite by Ray Cammaert, Pink Moth; The Triangle Soundtrack by Marshall Dragün; Papa Dada’s Theme/Gypsy Shoegazer by Kevin McLeod 

Scenography/ Production Management/ Technical Direction    Sebastian Marziali

Costumes and Props    Silvae Mercedes

Sound Design    Jack Consadine

Stage Management    Senjuti Sarker

Lisa’s Assistant     KC Cooper

ASL and Deaf Interpretation     Sage Lovell and The Team at Deaf Spectrum

‘The Intangible Adorations ASL Film’      Sage Lovell & Ciaran Federico; script by Harri Thomas, Yousef Kadoura, and Lisa Anita Wegner

Audio Description and Blind/ Low Vision Dramaturgy     Kat Germain

Blind/ Low Vision Consultation    Alex Bulmer

Carnival Posters    Stephanie Avery

Publicity     Tamar Lee Gibbert, Taro PR

Writing     John R Taylor

Documentation      Ciaran Federico, Adama Vitalie and Lisa Anita Wegner

Produced Mighty Brave Productions (Lisa Anita Wegner, Ciaran Federico, Melissa Bessey, assisted by Marissa Bondi)

Co-produced     Tangled Art + Disability (Cyn Rozeboom) Other Hearts Collective.

Presented and Funded ArtworxTO, Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, and Partners In Art, Developed with an investment from the National Arts Centre’s National Creation Fund.

Community partners: Workman Arts, The Theatre Centre, Summerworks Festival, North York Arts, East End Arts, Scarborough Arts, Etobicoke Arts, Urban Arts and Haus of Dada

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