The Mythology of
Unworldly and Intangible Adorations
Thank you Ontario Arts Council
Institute for Experimental Performance
Long Winter Arts Festival
Rendezvous with Madness Closing Night Party
Created and Performed by Lisa Anita Wegner
Your presence is requested… for the next stage in the evolution of artist Lisa Anita Wegner’s performing persona, The Ubermarionette.
Intangible Adorations is a theatrical ritual being enacted in the intimate confines of the Blue Chapel at Workman Arts. Premiering as part of the Long Winter Arts Festival and Nerve Endings closing night party, The Ubermarionette will share the gospel of absurdity and acceptance, and the audience will find itself drawn into a synthesis of artist and spectator, where the ultimate outcome will depend on the interaction among all those present.
Can manufactured fame assist in the search for self after one’s identity has been annihilated? Will the storms of that search manifest in the Chapel? Can bearing witness to this event effect a profound change in your life? And will the paparazzi who pursue The Ubermarionette capture everything on film?
You will only know if you are one of those who are present.
Lisa Anita Wegner as The Icon
Mary Margaret Scrimger as #1 Fan
Paula John as Body Woman
Original Music by Pink Moth
Lighting by Forever Epic Films
Cinematography by Carl Elster and Ciaran Federico for Mighty Brave Productions
I felt immediately connected to the Mythology of Unwordly and Intangible Adorations and the Ubermarionette’s ritual. I could see the congregation was ready to journey with them into the more intense and challenging portals, secure that their preacher of rebirth will guide them safely to a triumphant conclusion. I saw the Ubermarionette make it rain and at that moment, I saw them transform into an icon in front of my very eyes.
The Ubermarionette entered the chapel in a cloud of fog, lights, and projections that cleared the audience-as-congregation’s collective mind. What followed was a synthesis of gesture and ritual, leavened with a dose of impishness, presented with the bombast of an ecclesiastical zealot. They shared their oversized gospel of art, self-love, playfulness, repetition and absurdity in an over-the-top spiritual service.